Thursday, September 30, 2010

Many Species, One planet, One Future

Balck Rhino & Calf
More than 10 animal Species are on the brink of extinction in Kenya.

The Kenyan Black rhino, Hirola, Grevy Zebra,Cheetah,Macows Shrew,Tana river Red Colobus and Ultimate Shrew are some of the species that are endangered.

The critically endangered species like the roan Antelope in the Ruma National Park has a total of 56 remaining. If a disease strikes they will be gone forever.

Currently the country has a total of 610 Black rhinos out of a total 4230 in Africa.

In 1969 there were 65000 Black Rhinos in Africa.

Efforts to tag the Black rhinos in 14 rhino Sanctuary with a tracking device has been successful e.g. Nakuru & Nairobi National Parks.

While the future of black Rhinos look assured, the future of other Species like the Macows Shrew, Ultimate Shrew, Cheetah, Bongo, and Hirola remains in Darkness.

The Hirola Also known as the hunters Hartebeest, is one of East Africa’s Endangered Species of Antelopes.

There are 90 Hirolas left in Kenya. The Antelope Species is found in Garsen, Bura, Galma and Gala in North eastern Kenya and South west of Somalia.

There is a small Translocated population in Tsavo East National Park, out the species natural range, the animals were move from Garissa in 1963.

Five Antelope Species are at critical stage. They are:

Dama Gazelle (Nanger Dama)

Aders Duiker (Cephalophus aderis)

Saiga Antelope (Saiga Tatarica)

Hirola (Beatragos Hunter)

Addax (Addax Nasomaculatus)

The Scimitar-horned Oryx is already extinct in the wild. I hope if there are efforts to reintroduce it.

The Grevy Zebra Found in Northern Kenya, with the largest population in Lewa Conservercy .Kudos to the Proprietor Mr. Ian Craig for his efforts in protecting the species.

The Grevy entered the endangered species in 2006 & declared critically endangered last year (2009).

Kenya has an estimated population of 2600 from a population of 15000 in the early seventies.

Basically, Kenya is the only remaining country with the main population of Grevy Zebra, because there were 120 in Ethiopia but was decimated by Anthrax and 2007 drought.

In My Opinion, it is our will to protect and Conserve Mother Nature.

Member:Kenya Professional Safari Guides Association

Member:Nature Kenya

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